Due to limited waste-to-energy infrastructure, Connecticut produces about 800,000 tons of trash annually that cannot be incinerated. This excess Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) aka trash, is shipped to Pennsylvania and Ohio for disposal, a costly and unsustainable dependency.
In September 2023, Newtown launched the “Save As You Throw – Take the Challenge” pilot, funded by a state grant, to encourage waste reduction through reuse and composting. The program significantly cut MSW tonnage, leading the Town to adopt it permanently starting July 1, 2025.
We are confident this initiative will remain revenue-neutral while benefiting both our community and the environment. By reducing waste today, we create a more sustainable future for Newtown and Connecticut. Below are some frequently asked questions.
Funding provided by the Sustainable Materials Management Grants Program administered by the CT DEEP
Step 1: Renew your Transfer Station Permit (Fee $0). Permits will be available starting in May, 2025 and can be obtained at the Transfer Station or at Public Works. You will need proof of residency and a car registration.
Step 2: For household trash disposal, purchase Town branded blue bags.
The blue bags will be required as of July 1, 2025
Note: During the pilot program the bags were orange, moving forward they will be Town branded blue.
The costs will be as follows:
o 13-gallon bags: $1.05 per bag – sold by the box or roll
o 32-gallon bags: $2.60 per bag – sold by the box or roll
o 55-gallon bags: $4.40 per bag – sold by the roll
As of July 1, 2025 – Only Town branded blue bags will be accepted. All other bags, including, Black contractor bags, Pilot orange bags and all other non-town branded bags will not be accepted at the Transfer Station.
There are several different options a town has to implement UBP. However, most of these systems require residents to wait in line and pay at the time of disposal. With the Town branded blue bags, you will have pre-paid for the service, which includes the cost of the bag and the disposal. The branded blue bags are not only for “Pre-Pay”, but they will also help us create a uniform, easy-to-manage system that simplifies enforcement.
In addition to traditional recycling, a key component of the UBP is Food Scraps Recycling. Food scraps can be as much as 33% of a household’s garbage. The town is offering this service to help residents reduce their waste, which will in turn save money. And one of the many benefits of the Newtown food scraps recycling program is access to FREE compost year-round.
Town of Newtown Transfer Station Permit fees will be $0
Town branded blue bags will be as follows:
o 13-gallon bags: $1.05 per bag – sold by the box or roll
o 32-gallon bags: $2.60 per bag – sold by the box or roll
o 55-gallon bags: $4.40 per bag – sold by the roll
As of July 1, 2025 – Only Town branded blue bags will be accepted. All other bags, including, Black contractor bags, Pilot orange bags and all other non-town branded bags will not be accepted at the Transfer Station.
Regular household trash is acceptable in the Town branded blue bags.
DO NOT place any of the following in your blue bag:
Click here to learn more about what is accepted and not accepted at the Town of Newtown’s Transfer Station.
Click here to learn more about the food scrap recycling program.
All vehicles entering the Transfer Station must have a permit affixed to the windshield.
The simple answer is yes, if you are planning to use the transfer station for your trash disposal.
The Newtown Ad Hoc Recycling Committee thoughtfully studied the waste issue in Newtown. After months of data collection, deliberations and soliciting feedback from the community, the Committee recommended to transition to a new pricing system at the Transfer Station. This is a strategic plan to reduce the pressure on the municipal solid waste stream by increasing recycling and composting.
The Committee presented their findings and recommendation to the three Town policy boards. Each voted affirmatively to adopt the new Unit-Based-Pricing (UBP) system for the transfer station, also known as Save As You Throw.
Beginning in July 2025, the Newtown Transfer Station Permit is being reduced from $100 to $0. Permittees who use the transfer station for trash disposal will pay only for the waste they generate and need to dispose of. All other transfer station services (Bulky, Recycling, Food Scraps, Electronic Waste, Mattresses, Motor oil etc.) will remain free. UBP for trash puts control of the cost of managing waste with each user – you only pay for garbage you generate.
Yes, any vehicle using the transfer station for any reason will need a permit which confirms they are a town resident. The permits are free and will be valid for 2 years.
YES! And we hope you will recycle MORE! There are no changes to the recycling program. Remember to keep your material loose and check the list of acceptable items, we also want you to recycle right
Questions about recycling? Learn more about recycling here.
Not really. You are just replacing your current black/white kitchen bag with a Town branded blue bag.
Town branded blue bags will be available at the Newtown Transfer Station.
NOTE: Retail locations will be listed here in the coming months.
The program introduces the idea of moving the cost to dispose of trash for ONLY what YOU throw away.
The less trash you make, the more you SAVE.
With these tools, you can reduce your trash and save money. And turning our food waste into renewable energy makes more sense.
You may be trying this for the first time, but towns all over the U.S. (and the world!) have implemented similar trash reduction programs and have found success!
Newtown will succeed with your participation!
You can purchase bags throughout the year as you need them. They will be available at the transfer station and retail locations after July 1st.
Backyard composting is great and encouraged! You may decide you want to use the food scrap recycling program for certain items (eggshells, meat, bones, and dairy, prepared foods) or to use in the winter.
Learn more about the Town of Newtown Food Scrap Recycling Program HERE.
To reduce the risk of costly sewer backups, we strongly urge residents to switch from in-sink disposals and use the food scrap recycling program for food scraps. It will also save on your water usage and produce usable fertilizer.
Reduce your food waste. Keep your refrigerator clean and organized so you know what you have before you shop. Store leftovers in clear containers so you can see what’s in them. Use a shopping list. Use your freezer. Reduce other household waste by avoiding single use disposable items and choose products with minimal packaging.
Reuse: Use reusable shopping bags and coffee mugs. Repurpose glass jars at home. Donate household items and clothing. Consider cloth napkins.
Recycle: Remember the basics: Recycle your paper & cardboard and empty bottles & cans. Items should be clean and dry and placed loose in your collection bin. Learn more here.
Compost: Place all your food scraps in the compostable bags! Fruits & Veggies, Eggs & Eggshells, Meat & Seafood (include bones and shells), Coffee Grounds & Tea Bags, Dairy, Pasta, Grains & Bread, Cookies, Cake, & Candy. Please no plastic, no metal, no sanitary waste, no pet waste.
If you have a bag that is defective, such as the drawstring is broken, or it rips at the seam, bring the rest of the roll to either the transfer station or public works, and they will replace them for you.
Bring your unused orange bags to the transfer station office.