Town of Ridgefield

Saturday, April 5 & Sunday, April 6
Download flyer for details

                                    Click Here for NEW FEES for Bulky, Demo, MSW, Brush/Yard Waste


  • Plastic Bags and film DO NOT go in single stream recycling.
  • Single stream recycling should be loose and NOT bagged, bundled, boxed or shredded.
  • Styrofoam is OUT and should go in household trash.
  • Black plastics are OUT and should go in household trash.

Click on item below for instructions on disposal or search the “Can I Recycle It” widget below. 

Transfer Station

55 South St. Ridgefield, CT

Monday – Saturday
7:30 am – 3:00 pm


Recycling Center

59 South St. Ridgefield, CT

Tuesday – Saturday
7:30 am – 3:00 pm

Required ($20 Resident / $50 Non-Resident)
Permit must be displayed.
Please click here to download a permit application.

Exemptions: EPR programs for Mattresses, Paint and Electronic Waste do not require a permit.

Where to get permit:

Tax Collectors Office
400 Main Street, Ridgefield

Payment accepted at TS:

No Cash / Debit or Credit Card Only

The Transfer Station observes the following holidays and is closed: 
New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?  Call or email HRRA at or 203.775.4539
To view the town of Ridgefield’s website click here.


Not Accepted


Do not put ammunition in the trash! People who want to dispose of old or excess ammunition should call their local police/public safety department or state police to surrender the ammunition. It will either be used by the department or disposed of properly.


Not Accepted


Antifreeze can pollute groundwater, surface water and drinking water supplies if dumped, spilled or leaked, and is harmful to pets, marine and aquatic life. You can bring your used antifreeze to a household hazardous waste collection event or facility. Check the schedule for an upcoming event.
DEEP also has special guidance on the management of used antifreeze for Auto Centers and Marinas.



Advanced Auto Parts
301 Main St Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 730-6626

Advanced Auto Parts
270 Federal Road Brookfield, CT 06804
(203) 648-9887

NOTE: Items must be clean from contaminates and NOT mixed.  These locations will accept small quantities up to a gallon at no charge.


(Resident)$.05 per lb/$100.95 per ton
(Non-resident)$.053 per lb/$106.49 per ton


Appliances with and without Freon are accepted at the transfer station.


Many of the appliances we use every day contain man-made chemicals that destroy the ozone layer — our planets natural protection against the sun’s harmful ultra-violet radiation. Refrigerators, window and car air conditioners, and dehumidifiers rely on refrigerants that contain ozone-depleting chemicals called chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), under various trade names that contain the word “Freon.”


If not disposed of properly, these common household items can release these refrigerants into the atmosphere.


Additional Options:

  • Ask your local home appliance retailers about their refrigerator and home appliance collection programs or about the availability of refrigerant-recovery services. Sometimes, the store from which you buy a new large appliance will take back the old one.
  • Contact your local utility company about appliance recycling programs.
  • If the appliance is still in good working order, consider donating it to a local charity or family in need.
  • EPA’s Responsible Appliance Disposal Program provides additional information about proper disposal of appliances and a list of partnering utilities, retail stores and manufacturers that collect used refrigerators, freezers, window air conditioning units and dehumidifiers for proper recovery and disposal.

Not Accepted
Take to Oak Ridge transfer station – 307 White Street, Danbury


Asphalt Shingles
Not Accepted
Take to Oak Ridge transfer station – 307 White Street, Danbury

Auto Batteries


FEE:(Resident)$.05 per lb/$101.55 per ton
(Non-resident)$.053 per lb/$106.60 per ton


Return to retailer who sells batteries.
Connecticut law requires consumers to return their lead-acid auto batteries for recycling, and requires retailers of these batteries to accept a used battery for each battery they sell. Retail stores that sell batteries are required to accept up to three batteries from a customer that is not purchasing a new battery.


Lead-acid batteries may not be disposed of in the trash, buried, or thrown in wetlands or waterways. These batteries contain a corrosive and toxic electrolyte that is very harmful to the environment.

Battery Acid

Not Accepted

Take to a Household Hazardous Waste Event.  Click here for more information.


FEE: Free


Place Single Use / Rechargeable batteries in the Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Container at the recycling center.


Rechargeable batteries (learn more) are commonly found in cordless phones, power tools, portable electronics and cell phones. They include nickel-cadmium, nickel metal hydride, small sealed lead-acid and lithium ion batteries.

HRRA household hazardous waste (HHW) collection events accept rechargeable batteries only and will not accept alkaline and zinc carbon batteries.

Watch or Button Batteries (Silver Oxide Batteries)

Silver oxide batteries are hazardous when put in the regular trash.  Many jewelry and watch stores will recycle the silver oxide battery when you bring your watch in to have the battery replaced. If not, please bring your silver oxide batteries to the next HRRA household hazardous waste (HHW) collection. Click here to find dates and locations of the next HRRA HHW event.


FEE: Free

IMPORTANT: Pages must be ripped out of BOTH paperback and hardcover books to recycle the pages.  Book binding then goes in the trash.


Dirty, moldy, or wet books cannot be recycled or donated. Place these books in the trash.


Additional Options:

Reuse is environmentally preferable. If books are in good condition, offer them to your local library, senior center, school libraries, friends, thrift stores, swap shops, and charities


Other book recycling resources include the International Book ProjectBooks for AfricaFirst Book, and Better World Books.

Bulky Waste

(Resident)$.10 cents per lb
(Non-resident)$.10 cents per lb


The Ridgefield Transfer Station will now be accepting household bulky waste and residential small project demolition debris.

A designated, 20-yard container has been placed next to the MSW disposal building.
This container is NOT for the use of commercial construction debris.  Large residential projects (more than 4 cubic yards) should be managed with an onsite dumpster rental at the job site.

The purpose of this container is to provide a convenient disposal option for residents with large items such as a couch or a chair, or a small remodeling project.
Private haulers, with large loads of bulky material, are subject to being diverted to the Danbury transfer station in the event the container is at capacity. The disposal fees will remain the same as general solid waste but are subject to change in the coming months to cover the additional management cost of this material. 


FEE: Free


Corrugated cardboard should be broken flat and placed in compactor #1 at the recycling center.


(Resident)$.05 per lb/$101.55 per ton
(Non-resident)$.053 per lb/$106.60 per ton

Currently there are no companies in CT that accept carpets or rugs for recycling. Old, dirty and used carpets are considered “bulky waste”.

Cooking Oil



At home, you should never put grease, oils or fats down your drain.  When you do this, you can clog drains, sewers, or septic systems, especially during cold weather when the grease will harden quickly.  Instead, dispose of waste oils and fats in your regular trash. Hot oil should be allowed to cool. Place in a can or container before putting it into trash.


Businesses should never put grease, oils or fats down the drain/sewer or in the trash. DEEP issued a new general permit in 2005 to prevent the discharge of fats, oils and grease (FOG) from food preparation establishments to the sanitary sewer system. Learn more about FOG disposal and a FOG Model Program for businesses.  Business must containerize high-quality grease and vegetable oils (e.g., from fryolators) and have them picked up by a rendering company or biodiesel producer.

Christmas Trees


Commercial/Non-Resident Permit Holder: Fee: $0.10 per pound

Resident Permit Holder: Accepted
Fee: $0.08 per pound (reduced)


ONE DAY FREE EVENT (DATE: January 18, 2025)
Ridgefield residents can drop off Christmas trees for disposal at the Ridgefield Transfer Station. This event is free to Ridgefield residents.

Additional Options:

Ridgefield Boy Scout Troop 116’s Christmas Tree Pickup 2025


(Resident)$.10 cents per lb
(Non-resident)$.10 cents per lb

The Ridgefield Transfer Station will now be accepting residential small project demolition debris.

A designated, 20-yard container has been placed next to the MSW disposal building.
This container is NOT for the use of commercial construction debris.  Large residential projects (more than 4 cubic yards) should be managed with an onsite dumpster rental at the job site.

The purpose of this container is to provide a convenient disposal option for residents with large items such as a couch or a chair, or a small remodeling project.
Private haulers, with large loads of bulky material, are subject to being diverted to the Danbury transfer station in the event the container is at capacity. The disposal fees will remain the same as general solid waste but are subject to change in the coming months to cover the additional management cost of this material. 

Construction and demolition materials, more than 4 cubic yards, can go to 307 White Street, Danbury.
Click here for additional information on the MOM & Pop Drop-off, including hours and fees.

Electronic Waste

FEE: Free

See the list of acceptable E-waste items to dispose of at the recycling center. Acceptable items should be placed in the light blue container.


Scavenging of E-Waste is Prohibited

Please be advised that under the CGS 22a-209-7 the Town’s Solid Waste disposal area shall comply with the following permit and operating requirements – (i) Waste Collection areas (2) Scavenging at waste collection areas shall be prohibited. In addition, under the Municipal Transfer Station General Permit, Appendix Part 1. Section 5w. Safety (4.) “The Registrant (The Town) shall prevent the public scavenging from waste, this is, from searching through waste to remove useful material.”


The Contract between the Housatonic Resources Recovery Authority and the Covered Electronic Vendor, Take 2, Inc., states the member town, “is responsible for the operation, management and physical security of all Collection Sites within its jurisdiction…”


It is your town’s responsibility and obligation to the public to ensure that all solid waste including electronics that are dropped-off by residents at the Transfer Station are placed within the supplied container and secured.  Once a resident drops off E-Waste Material, it becomes the property of the Town.  The Town must take all appropriate measures to secure collected E-Waste from theft, or from theft of data stored on such E-Waste for the security and privacy of the public.


Title and liability for the Materials will pass from the Town to Take 2 upon the loading of the Materials onto the designated vehicles provided by Take 2.


The towns have been advised to consult with your local police regarding removal of Materials by unauthorized persons.


It should be noted, that if a resident, disposing of material, decides that they want to donate their electronic equipment, device, material to the swap shop for reuse, or repurpose it is their choice to do so.  Only in this situation may another resident obtain the equipment from the transfer station via the swap shop.

Eye Glasses

Place in Collection Box at Town Hall
FEE: Free

You may donate used prescription or nonprescription glasses or sunglasses. Both plastic and metal frames are accepted.

Fire Extinguishers

Accepted at Recycling Center – FREE


Additional Options:

ACCEPTED at Fire Control Service Co.
221 Danbury Road
New Milford, CT 06776
(860) 354-6334
Fee: $10.00



All fire extinguishers are under pressure and should not be put in the regular trash. There are three varieties of fire extinguishers manufactured in the past decade: water filled, gas filled and chemical filled extinguishers. Water filled and gas (CO2) filled extinguishers are inert, and are not harmful.  The dry chemical variety can cause irritation, so extra care should be taken with these units.  Many of today’s units are rechargeable.  For a small fee you can have your fire extinguisher emptied, checked and re-filled.


(Resident)$.05 per lb/$101.55 per ton
(Non-resident)$.053 per lb/$106.60 per ton


Not Accepted


Bring to your local household hazardous waste collection event. Go to to view the schedule and details.

The best way to deal with old or unwanted fuel from cars and trucks, recreational vehicles, lawn care equipment, space heaters, or heating oil storage tanks is not generate it in the first place.  If possible, don’t store motorized vehicles or equipment with fuel in them for long periods of time.  For example, run your lawnmower dry on the last day that you mow your lawn in the fall, and store it in your garage to prevent water from getting in the tank.  Plan ahead when you are buying fuel.  For example, don’t fill up your five-gallon gasoline can just before mowing the lawn for the last time in the fall, to avoid having old gas left over in the spring.  If you must store fuel for an extended period of time, add a fuel stabilizer to help keep it fresh and usable.  Fuel stabilizers can be purchased at most auto parts stores.

If you have fuel that you don’t need and it is in good usable condition, try to give it away to someone else who will use it.

Glass (Recyclable)

FEE: Free


Place recyclable glass in separate collection container in the Recycling Center. Click here to learn more about Glass Recycling and what’s accepted.

Hazardous Waste

Not Accepted


Take to a Household Hazardous Waste Event.  Click here for more information.


Household Hazardous Wastes (HHW) are household-generated wastes or unused products that are hazardous in nature, but are not regulated as hazardous waste, since they are generated in households. Included are such items as old stains, paints, and paint related products, pesticides, pool chemicals, drain cleaners, mercury-containing products such as thermostats and thermometers, and degreasers and other household and car care products.

The best method of managing HHW is to prevent its generation in the first place. When purchasing household and car care products, select the least toxic item needed to do the job, and buy only the minimum amount necessary.

To discard any leftover or unused material, it should be taken to your local Hazardous Household Waste collection center or one-day collection event. For information on dates and times in your area, visit

Ink Cartridges

FEE: Free

Bring to the Recycling Center and place in the E-waste container or bring to the collection box at Town Hall


Additional Options:
Many toner and ink cartridges can be refilled and reused at least 6 times. Many retail stores such as Best BuyTargetStaples, and Office Depot or on-line retailers like will either refill your cartridge or provide payment or credits when you recycle cartridges.  Some companies such as Hewlett PackardEpson, and Xerox provide recycling services for their own cartridges. These services often involve ordering a prepaid envelope to mail cartridges directly back to the manufacturer.

Lawn Equipment

(Resident)$.05 per lb/$101.55 per ton
(Non-resident)$.053 per lb/$106.60 per ton

Push Lawnmowers & Ride Lawnmowers are accepted at the recycling center as scrap metal.

Light Bulbs

FEE: Free
Place CFL/Fluorescent bulbs in the e-waste container.
Incandescent Bulbs are to be placed in the trash.
Holiday lights are accepted in the e-waste container.


Fluorescent Bulbs
Fluorescent bulbs come in various shapes and sizes. Some are the traditional, 2-, 4-, or 8-foot-long “tube” type bulb. Others include the newer “compact” fluorescent lights (CFLs) that screw in like a regular incandescent bulb. All of them contain varying amounts of the toxic metal mercury, and should not be disposed of in the regular trash.

Residents can also bring any brand of CFL, regardless of where it was purchased, to any Connecticut Home Depot store.  IKEA stores also accept CFLs for recycling.


Incandescent Bulbs

Incandescent bulbs include traditional screw-in line bulbs, and come in various sizes and shapes (e.g., round bulbs, and cone-shaped flood and spot lights). They include traditional tungsten-element light bulbs, as well as the newer halogen lamps. All of these types of bulbs may be disposed of in the regular trash. If you use these lamps, though, you should consider switching over to fluorescent bulbs — or, even better, the newer LED lamps — since they can provide dramatic energy savings, which in return reduces air pollution emissions from electrical generation plants.


Holiday String Lighting

Both incandescent and LED holiday lights are recyclable. By recycling your broken and outdated lights, you’ll keep the toxins in the electric cables out of the incinerator.

Home Depot and Whole Foods Market have coordinated seasonal trade-in or recycling collection programs at different locations and may offer discount coupons in exchange.  These programs usually run for only a week or two sometime between October and December.

Other options include mailing your broken or obsolete lights to a number of retailers, including Christmas Light Source in Fort Worth, Texas and Five Star Holiday Décor in Springville, UT, which sell your old lights to raise funds for the Toys for Tots program. in Jackson, Missouri recycles your old holiday lights and offers a 15% discount on your next purchase of LED lights.


Recyclable Mailers:

  • Bubble mailers that have a plastic outer cover (not paper mailers with bubble wrap inside), go in the plastic film container.  Before recycling, remove the adhesive label


Non-Recyclable Mailers

  • Padded envelopes with plastic bubble inside and paper outside should be put in the trash.
  • Metallic/silver colored plastic padded envelopes (metallic on outside cover or inside) are not accepted in curbside recycling program.  These items should be put in the trash.


Consider posting packaging items on your local Buy Nothing Facebook group, Free Cycle or checking with local Mom & Pop shipping companies for reuse opportunities.




Clean & Dry Mattresses and Box Springs:
FEE: Free
Dispose in the green container at the recycling center


Wet & Soiled:
(Resident)$.05 per lb/$99.39 per ton
(Non-resident)$.052 per lb/$104.93 per ton


See complete Mattress Recycling Council Guidelines here

Metal Scrap


(Resident)$.05 cents per lb
(Non-resident)$.10 cents per lb



Includes large household appliances, such as refrigerators, A/C, dehumidifiers, propane tanks (40 lbs max), as well as car batteries, tires and rims, lawn mowers, metal scrap.

Motor Oil

Not accepted

Ridgefield residents may use the annual household hazardous waste drop-off events.  Although the event does not advertise motor oil is accepted at events, they will accept it from Ridgefield residents.  If a resident has more than 20 gallons of fuel and or motor oil they need to contact HRRA at 203.775.4539


Advanced Auto Parts
301 Main St Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 730-6626

336 Main Street Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 739-0376

195 Federal Road Brookfield, CT 06840
(203) 740-8315

Jiffy Lube
112 Federal Rd Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 791-2382

Limestone Service Station
399 Danbury Road Ridgefield, CT 06877
(203) 438-8028

Minuteman Lube
413 Main St Danbury, CT 06810
(203) 792-4340

NOTE: Items must be clean from contaminates and NOT mixed.  These locations will accept small quantities up to a gallon at no charge.



Household “do-it-yourselfers” often generate used oil and filters from the maintenance of cars, trucks, lawn and garden equipment, and recreational vehicles. Connecticut law requires every town in the State to provide its residents with a way to properly dispose of the used oil generated by their residents. Most towns meet this requirement by providing an oil collection tank at the town transfer station or recycling facility for their residents to use. Some Household Hazardous Waste Collection may also accept used motor oil. In addition to collecting “do-it-yourselfer” (DIY) oil, many towns also collect used oil filters. Check with the recycling coordinator at your town or city hall for information on the services available in your area.

If your town does not accept used oil or filters, check with a local service station or an Auto Parts Store to see if they will accept it. Used oil may never be disposed of in the trash. Filters may be disposed of in the trash, but should be punctured and drained for 24 hours first. Be sure to collect the oil that drains from the filter, and place it in the same container as your used oil.

You should never do any of the following:

  • Never mix DIY oil with antifreeze, other vehicle fluids, or hazardous waste;
  • Never burn DIY oil in residential boilers or space heaters;
  • Never pour DIY oil into sewers or storm drains;
  • Never dump DIY oil on the ground, use it for weed control, or to keep dust down.

For more information, see the DEEP’s “Do-it-Yourselfer” Used Oil Fact Sheet and EPA’s Guidance document about preventing PCB contamination issues.


MSW/Household Trash



Click HERE to download a flyer on how to use the Ridgefield Transfer Station




KIOSK FEES – Residents: $5.00 for 1 – 5 13-gallon bags of garbage, or $10 for 6-10 bags of garbage weighing less than 120 pounds in total. Anything over 10 bags must be weighed.

Non-residents: $10 for 1 – 10 13-gallon bags of garbage weighing less than 120 pounds in total. Anything over 10 bags must be weighed.


SCALE – Household Garbage: Passenger Vehicles carrying 120 pounds or more of household garbage enter the transfer station on the left side of the scale house.


Fees as of November 15th

Non-Resident Permit holders will pay .10 cents per lb. for all material types.

  • MSW .10 cents per lb.
  • C&D .10 cents per lb.
  • Scrap Metal .10 cents per lb.
  • Brush .10 cents per lb.


Ridgefield Resident Permit holders will pay the following fees per material type.

  • MSW .05 cents per lb.
  • C&D .10 cents per lb.
  • Scrap Metal .05 cents per lb.
  • Brush (reduced) .08 cents per lb.
Organics (Food)

FEE: Free


Residents may participate in “Ridgefield Organics,” a town sponsored program.

Please visit this page for more information and to signup.

Questions?  Please email HRRA at or 203-775-4539


Are you hungry to rescue food? Click HERE.

Paints & Stains

FEE: Free

Bring liquid paint to the Recycling Center. The attendant will assist you in placing the cans in the building.
Paint should be in liquid form to be recycled. Hard and dry paint needs to be disposed at the transfer station.


Paint Thinners are not accepted. Bring to your local Household Hazardous waste Collection event. Click here for the schedule and locations.


CT is a proud participant of the PaintCare product stewardship program.  The Ridgefield Recycling Center is a designated drop location accepting latex or oil-base house paint and primers, stains, deck and concrete sealers and clear finishes.


Not Accepted


Take to a Household Hazardous Waste Event.  Click here for more information.


Not Accepted
Take to the Ridgefield Police Station or dispose of per these disposal instructions.


Do not throw prescription medicines or over-the-counter (OTC) products down the sink or toilet. Although using the toilet or sink prevents someone from accidentally taking the medications, disposing of them in this way causes water pollution and has adverse effects on septic systems, sewage treatment plants, fish and other aquatic wildlife.

Consumers have several options to dispose of medicines and OTC products:

  • Put them in the trash following these disposal instructions. In CT, most of our trash is burned at Resource Recovery Facilities at high temperatures that destroy these products.
  • Chain pharmacies such as CVS, Walgreens and Rite Aid provide disposal envelopes for prescription and OTC products for a small fee. Ask your pharmacist for details and program restrictions.
  • The federal government and some towns offer periodic medicine collections where residents can bring prescription medicines, veterinary medicines and OTC products for safe disposal. But they are not regularly scheduled and are sometimes limited to residents of the sponsoring town. (Medicines cannot be brought to Household Hazardous Waste collections.)
  • Many towns have installed special drop boxes for permanent disposal of used medications at local police departments.  Use this web tool to look for a drop-off location near you.
Plastic Film

FEE: Free


Please bring only clean, dry plastic film such as dry cleaning bags, produce bags, zip-lock food storage bags, product wrap on bulk buy items such as water, paper towels or multi-pack consumer products. To learn more about what’s accepted, and to find a location near you, click here.

Propane Tanks

(Resident)$.05 per lb/$101.55 per ton
(Non-resident)$.053 per lb/$106.60 per ton
1lb tanks take to HHW



130 White Street, Danbury
$5 per tank
(203) 748-3535



Before purchasing a new propane tank, consider using a tank/cylinder exchange program such as AmeriGas and Blue Rhino now available at many hardware stores, convenience stores, home improvement stores, and large retailers.  Many of these exchange programs will accept old tanks with the purchase of a new, full tank.  Take note that some of these exchange companies install valves on their tanks that can only be refilled by that company, meaning that you will be locked into their tank-for-tank service, and won’t be able to get the tank refilled at your local propane dealer.  Learn more about recycling your propane tank.

Observe the following safety precautions in regard to discarding your old tank:

  • Do not throw your tank in the trash.
  • Propane is very explosive! Do not attempt to puncture or remove the valve from your tank because tanks usually contain small amounts of propane, even if you think they are empty.

FEE: Free


Click here to learn more about what can go IN the recycling bin and which items are OUT.


Sharps used at home are not regulated as biomedical waste. However, throwing them in the household trash or flushing them down the toilet presents serious risks for both you and others who may come in contact with such items. Improper disposal of sharps can lead to:

  • Needle-stick injuries that cause infection and spread disease;
  • Injuries to curious children, waste haulers, recycling workers, and animals; or
  • Needles washing up on our beaches and riverbanks.

Instead, the DEEP recommends checking with your supplier (i.e. your physician, local hospital, or pharmacy) to see if they are willing to accept properly packaged used sharps. Some companies offer mail-back disposal services to their customers.  See DEEP’s “Sharps” Brochure for more detail on proper sharps disposal.

To properly dispose of sharps/needles:

  • Seal them in rigid, puncture-resistant containers that you can’t see through (i.e. bleach or detergent bottles, coffee cans, etc.);
  • Label the containers “Do Not Recycle;” and
  • Reinforce containers with heavy-duty tape before throwing them in your household trash.


  • Throw loose needles in the trash;
  • Flush needles down the toilet;
  • Place needles in soda bottles, cans, or glass containers; or
  • Put sharps containers in the recycling bin.
Shredded Paper



Please do not place in the curbside bin (it becomes a contaminant to the other materials).  Only loose shredded paper may be placed in the Blue Toter, nothing else. Carry bags or boxes can be recycled correctly elsewhere.

Swap Shop

Not Available

Textiles (Clothes, Etc)

FEE: Free


For textiles no longer wearable/usable, there is a collection container at the drop-off center.
Accepted items include clothing, footwear, accessories and linens. Items may be ripped, stained or otherwise, but they must be dry and bagged for deposit into the bins. Click Here to see what’s accepted


(Resident)$.05 per lb/$100.95 per ton
(Non-resident)$.053 per lb/$106.49 per ton

Tires with and without rims are accepted in the metal section at the transfer station.


Additional Options:

-Plan B Tires, located in Danbury & New Milford. Click here for more information.

-Belardinelli Tire Company, located in Bethel. Click here for more information.

-When purchasing new tires, the old tires can be left at the retail store (for a fee).

-There are also private facilities that accept tires.


Not Accepted

Yard Waste

Brush/Commercial/Non-Resident Permit Holder:
Fee: $0.10 per pound


Brush/Resident Permit Holder:
Fee: $0.08 per pound (reduced)


Leaves/Non-Resident Permit Holder:
Fee: $0.10 per pound
Leaves need to be dumped loose
Minimum charge $5


Leaves/Resident Permit Holder:
Fee: $0.08 per pound (reduced)
Leaves need to be dumped loose
Minimum charge $5


Grass Clippings:
Not Accepted
Leave them on the lawn where they will decompose and act as a natural organic fertilizer.


Wood Chips:
Not Accepted


Tree Stumps:
Not Accepted
Bring to Ferris Mulch at 6 Plumtrees Rd., Danbury
Logs & stumps are charged per yard. Visit their website by clicking here.


Mixed Load/Yard Waste:
Not Accepted


Note: Nothing larger than 5” in diameter accepted